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Lighthouse Leaders

Well done to the Lighthouse leaders for their very successful organising of Inclusivity week which finished on Friday 16th.  inclusivity week 2018aEvents were held throughout the week which were enjoyed by all. Many thanks Ms. Barton and Ms. Curry for all their help.


Cross Country Athletics

Congratulations to St. Mary's athletes who attended a very successful cross country schools challenge in Stradbally, Co. Laois, recently.
The girls put in a great performance and gained valuable team point for the next outing in Carlow. Many thanks to Ms. O'Sullivan for all her work with our athletes

John Paul 11 Awards

Well done and congratulations to over 30 of St. Mary's 5th year students who were presented with their John Paul 11 awards on Thursday 15th November. Bishop JP11 awards 2018aDenis presented the awards and congratulated the girls on their committment to involvement in their parish and school communities over the past year. Many thanks to Ms. M Humphreys who mentors the girls in St. Mary's.

Inclusivity Week

During the week of 12th -16th November, St Mary's Lighthouse leaders organised a very successful Inclusivity week. 

Flags, representing different countries of origin for many of our students, were placed on the windows near the school's reception area.  Copies of the Equal Status Act, 2014, are visible throughout the school. The Act states that people cannot be disadvantaged because of the following nine factors: gender; civil status; family status; sexual orientation; religious belief; age; disability; race, including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin; and membership of the Traveller community. 

The act envisions a fair, inclusive Ireland where human rights and equality are respected, protected and fulfilled for everyone, everywhere. In connection with this act, we celebrate five values this week. They are love, equality, fairness, generosity and inclusivity.

Mercy Leaders

This year we began an exciting new initiative with Second Years. We invited students to take a more active role in living out our school ethos and traditions. To get started, students from each class were invited to become Mercy Leaders. The new role is about active involvement in organising and helping out with liturgical events and embodying the mercy ideals lived out by Sr. Catherine MCauley. So far, the Mercy Leaders have been involved Mercy Leadersin the preparations for our Mercy Mass and have also helped organise and promote a weekly prayer meeting in the Prayer Room. In a beautiful initiation ceremony on Thursday 12th October, Fr. Liam commissioned and blessed all of the Mercy Leaders in their role as ambassadors for the ethos of the school. All the best for the year ahead girls and very well done so far. “On Thursday last, October 11th, I was commissioned as a Mercy leader by Fr. Liam Morgan in a blessing ceremony, in the Prayer Room. We prayed together and then Fr. Liam spoke to us about the year ahead. Afterwards, he blessed us individually by marking our heads with the sign of the cross and holy water. Photographs were taken to remember the ceremony. It was a very special event.”
Testimony by Croia Humphries, 2nd Year Student and newly commissioned Mercy Leader.


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