All members of the Student Council were very busy in the week leading up to the holidays. They organised many events throughout the week with all proceeds being donated to the Naas branch of the St. Vincent dePaul society. The events included a Christmas themed rag day, a monster raffle, with many prizes for both staff and students, and the now famous secret santa chocolate lollipops. The Student Council would like to thank all businesses in the Naas area for their many generous prizes, vouchers and donations for the raffle. Thanks also to Mr. Rod Harte of Aldi Naas for their donations of large Santas. With loads of hard work by the Student Council and many hours spent wrapping chocolate santa lollipops, their target was realised. A cheque dor
€3.005 was presented to Mr. Miley from St. Vincent de Paul on the 22nd of December. Mr. Miley gratefully accepted the money on behalf of all those in the Naas branch of St. Vincent de Paul and he stressed how necessary the money was to help provide food, fuel and electricity for needy families in Naas. Well done to all involved.