
Ploughing 2013-2014

At 8:45 on that Thursday morning, 130 Transition Years trudged into the assembly hall kitted out with rain jackets, backpacks and most importantly, wellies. We boarded the bus for Stradbally and set off on our way.

After a while travelling, we began to see massive balloons dotted across the sky in the distance. This was a sure sign that we were almost there.

After getting off the bus we walked across a field towards the entrance. As we entered we were each given a green luminous wristband- definitely something to keep for the TY journal!

The teachers established a point where we were to meet back at 12:30, and then we were free to go. There was an endless amount of white stalls as far as the eye could see, each stall trying to sell and promote their own product but more importantly giving away free things like bags, wristbands and pens!

There were plenty of animals to be seen such as, prize winning cows and sheep. Of course, as the name suggests, you could also stop to watch the fields being ploughed!

After meeting up for roll-call at 12:30, food was on most people’s minds, and there was no shortage of it. From fish and chips to fresh lemonade there was something for everyone. There was even strawberries and chocolate for those who fancied a bit of dessert! After grabbing a bite to eat there was just enough time to pick up some more free stuff before heading back to our meeting point.

At 2:30 we boarded the bus again, absolutely exhausted. It had been a great day and we didn’t even need our rain jackets!

By Jessica and Kim

Mercy Day Mass

On the 24th of September, 2014, all of us in St. Mary's College came together as a school community to celebrate Mercy Day and the work of Catherine McAuley. Together, we sang and prayed for a fantastic school year ahead of us. We talked about the meaning of the word 'MERCY'-  of Medicine, of Education, of Rights, of Compassion, and of the Youth at the centre of it all. A big well done to all the girls who participated in what truly was a wonderful mass!
 Mercy day Mass 2014-2015

Parent Teacher Meetings 2014-2015

Parent teacher Meetings 2014-2015

Spanish Students' Outing

​English - On Friday the 3rd of October we went bowling as it was coming towards the end of the Spanish students' stay here in St. Mary's and we wanted to say goodbye. Ms. Connolly and Ms. O'Shea accompanied us. We had a lunch of chips and nuggets, and the winners were Marta Rodriguez and Marta Sánchez. We really enjoyed it!


Spanish - El viernes 3 de octubre fuimos a la bolera para despedir a las estudiantes españolas con dos de las profesoras de español - Ms. Connolly y Ms. O'Shea. Jugamos una partida y comímos allí también. Las ganadoras fueron Marta Rodríguez y Marta Sánchez. ¡Lo disfrutamos mucho!

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